Thursday 7 March 2019

Research- 16-25 demographic, regional magazines, value of takeaway food industry

Research into 16-25 demographic, regional magazines, value of takeaway food industry


Demographic information is used repeatedly within the media marketing industry to sort the media audience out into age, gender, race and other categories. The 16-25 age range is one of the key demographics for brand advertisers. The 16-25 demographic is one of the most desired demographics within media marketing because statistically this age group spends the most money on things such as takeaway or technology. This means that the majority of marketing and advertising of products is targeted at them. Because this age group are large users of social media, brands and products are often marketed on social media to gain more attention, as well as on TV surrounding typical TV shows that this age range may watch, for example Love Island. People of this age range are the most likely to spend their money on more materialistic things or takeaways because they typically aren’t at the age where saving for a house or expensive car are normally happening.


Regional magazines in Norfolk include the Eastern Daily Press Norfolk magazine, and Places and Faces magazine. Most regional magazines are aimed at the older middle-class generation such as the Eastern Daily Press Norfolk magazine. However, there are some regional magazines that could be aimed at a younger audience like the magazine Places and Faces. In the magazine it looks at celebrities, food, travel, fashion, homes and gardens and theatre. These topics would typically appeal to a wide range of audiences, with celebrities and fashion typically appealing to female 16-25-year olds and travel, homes and gardens and food appealing to 20-40-year olds who own homes. As a result of including a variety of topics the places and faces magazine targets most people in the region. However, it is not that common that a younger audience would read a regional magazine, with Places and faces 16-25 demographic only being 7% of the readers, this could be because it is not as ‘mainstream’ as other magazines such s cosmopolitan and vogue magazine, which shows that a younger audience are not as interested in their region and what’s happening near them.   


The takeaway industry in the UK has a revenue of £18.2 billion, whilst its employment continues to go up from 386,599. The takeaway industry has over 40,738 businesses and is becoming more and more popular and ordinary every year. In the recent years the takeaway industry has grown and has more options of takeaway food choices. Some takeaway companies even go to restaurants for food that they can deliver. For example, if you order with Deliveroo you can get anything from original takeaway food like pizza to non-traditional foods like sushi. 

Research- Takeaway Food Poster Analysis

Takeaway food poster analysis                                                                                         Hannah Jackson

The style of this advert is once again quite simplistic but shows a lot about the company. The use of a light aqua blue colour for the background allows for a fresh modern effect which could have connotations as being a modern casual company. This appeals to the young demographic target audience and there is more and more appeal from the target audience for more simplistic colourful adverts. The images are of Asian food from popular restaurant Wagamama’s and sushi from restaurant itsu. The images used are bright which fits in with the apps design and shows pleasant looking foods that are not traditional English dishes. This appeals to the target audience as younger people are generally more inclined to experiment with different cultures food choices. This promotes both the company Deliveroo and the restaurants as it shows that the company has a variety of different food choices based on the popular restaurants shown. The layout of the poster is simplistic with the caption ‘Quickly browse great restaurants near you’ and a plain black phone in the centre of the advert with the Deliveroo app on its screen. You can pick up on what the company is as the company’s name ‘Deliveroo’ is written near the search bar. Although subtle this fits with the simplistic minimalist vibe of the advert and isn’t plastering the company’s name or logo all over the advert which makes the whole advert seem more professional. In the aqua blue background there are shapes that are slightly lighter in colour that can be assumed as foods. This shows the subtle details of the advert and the effectiveness of the minimalist style. The font used is thick and rounded which isn’t as intense as bold spiky writing. This connotes a laid-back simple tone of the company that most delivery company’s do not have, for example just eat adverts generally have a more forward approach than this advert.

Research- takeaway poster analysis

Takeaway poster analysis                                                                                                  Hannah Jackson

There is a trend in these advert styles being simplistic but effective. In this advert there is a plain bold red background. This background could link in with food or condiments, suggesting ketchup with takeaway fast food as it is mostly used for food that this app would provide. The main colours used are red and white. This may be because red and white go together well and the writing in white is standing out because of the contrast. There is a recurring theme of red and white with the chef character on the advert wearing a white chef’s outfit with red buttons on the torso. The chef is portrayed as a stereotypical chef character with a big bushy moustache and a white chef’s hat. This helps people to recognise straight away the links with food on this advert. The chef is grinning and holding up a phone and pressing the screen with his finger. The phone shows the Just Eat app which promotes the company within the advert. Although it is not a close-up picture of the app you can clearly see the Just Eat logo shown at the top of the screen. On the advert there is yet another use of the logo with the quote ‘Don’t cook, JUST EAT’. This once again promotes the company as well as telling the viewer that they shouldn’t cook, and they should ‘just eat’. This promotes the takeaway industry and creates negativity around having to cook. The use of the quote ‘Give Hunger the finger’ is a humorous approach and while subtle appeals to an adult audience as it references adult humour. This suggests the target audience of this advert could be targeted at 18-40-year olds as it also references ordering a takeaway instead of cooking and typically children do not cook every night, but adults do. The font used is bold which connotes the company being popular and bold. The layout of the advert is symmetrical in the sense that the ‘don’t cook just eat’ logo is in the left centre, the chef character is in the left corner and ‘give hunger the finger’ is in the centre top of the advert. This looks very effective as nothing looks out of place.

Research- takeaway food poster analysis

Takeaway Food poster analysis                                                                                      Hannah Jackson

The style of this advert is simplistic, yet very effective. The advert features a middle-aged working-class man who is in the centre of the page eating a takeaway. The logo is above his head in smaller font than the catch phrase ‘Don’t let Wednesday off the hook’. The logo used is simple with bold red capital letters in an easy to read font. This could connote that the company is easy to understand and is straight to the point which suggests the company’s focus is getting their food to you and not messing around which would attract a lot of people. ‘Find your flavour’ connotes that the company have a large amount of different food choices to choose from which attracts an audience as everyone prefers a variety of choice. The man in the shot is wearing a dull blue flannel shirt and a builder’s hat. However, the colours behind him are vibrant, bright red, green, blue, orange and yellow which makes the man stand out more. This could all be a connotation to show that the food the man is eating brings him joy and happiness as often bright colours connote happiness. The red catchphrases behind the white background make them stand out. ‘The food your really want’ suggests that you should treat yourself which promotes the company as it makes people think of the food, they want instead of need which allows for a bigger profit as Just Eat are promoting that people should be allowed takeaway. The company addresses the audience with words like ‘YOU’ and ‘YOUR’. The use of direct address attracts the audience as the person viewing the advert is being addressed which encourages them to use the company as they are more likely to feel like the company appeals to them. I think the main target audience for this advert is working class individuals between the ages 25-50. I think this because the man in the shot is middle aged and working class however younger ages would also find this advert interesting as the colours and suggested job profession that the man has may also relate to them.

Planning- one of the product plans

Planning- original images used for final products

Planning- Logo plan

Planning- Logo design idea (not used)

Planning- Experimenting with different layouts/colours

Planning- Advert I did not use

Planning- Advert I did not use

Statement of Intent

STATEMENT OF INTENT                                                                                             Hannah Jackson

I will make sure my adverts do not contravene any of the rules set out by ASA. Some of these rules include that all market communications should be legal, decent, honest and truthful, the advert should be obviously identifiable as such, should not cause offence and should not use false claims. I will therefore make sure my advert is truthful and does not promote false ideas about the takeaway company ‘your food’.

I will represent the product and audience in a positive way and use bright vibrant colours to represent the audience and product as young and energetic because vibrant colours are often linked to excitement and energy. I will also hopefully have a humorous way of promoting the product, may that be in the photos I use or the slogan. This represents the product as fun and not serious. This will allow me to create a positive image of takeaway as well as the target audience.

I will construct my advert by having a neat and colourful layout and will carefully consider layout, images, scheme, font and tagline. The audience is the 16-25 demographic so whilst considering this I could include social media tags and other things that appeal to the audience as it relates to them.

I plan to create 4 adverts that would appeal to my target audience. I am planning to use people on my posters that are 16-17 which is within in the target age. I am planning to create one of my adverts that will advertise a ‘Your Food’ app which appeals to the younger generation as they are the people who use the most technology. This will give a sense that the takeaway service is quick and easy to use as well as being on multiple different platforms -phone, social media, app. I am planning my second advert to be more humorous, and showing a boy holding sausage roll that one can assume has been delivered from ‘Your Food’. I’m planning on including a catchy tagline which will promote the company. The third advert I am planning is going to be a picture of a boy holding chicken. The focus of this advert will be the catchphrase ‘Don’t be a chicken, order Your Food’. This is humorous and makes the food company appear cool as being a ‘chicken’ is associated with negative connotations. The last advert may fit in with the third one where I will use a picture of a boy holding a takeaway bag. Although this advert will be simple I think they will all relate to each other because the constant use of bright vibrant colours will add to the theme of a younger target audience.

Final Product 1

Final product 2

Final product 3

Final Product 4

Research- 16-25 demographic, regional magazines, value of takeaway food industry

Research into 16-25 demographic, regional magazines, value of takeaway food industry   Demographic information is used repeatedly ...