Thursday 7 March 2019

Research- Takeaway Food Poster Analysis

Takeaway food poster analysis                                                                                         Hannah Jackson

The style of this advert is once again quite simplistic but shows a lot about the company. The use of a light aqua blue colour for the background allows for a fresh modern effect which could have connotations as being a modern casual company. This appeals to the young demographic target audience and there is more and more appeal from the target audience for more simplistic colourful adverts. The images are of Asian food from popular restaurant Wagamama’s and sushi from restaurant itsu. The images used are bright which fits in with the apps design and shows pleasant looking foods that are not traditional English dishes. This appeals to the target audience as younger people are generally more inclined to experiment with different cultures food choices. This promotes both the company Deliveroo and the restaurants as it shows that the company has a variety of different food choices based on the popular restaurants shown. The layout of the poster is simplistic with the caption ‘Quickly browse great restaurants near you’ and a plain black phone in the centre of the advert with the Deliveroo app on its screen. You can pick up on what the company is as the company’s name ‘Deliveroo’ is written near the search bar. Although subtle this fits with the simplistic minimalist vibe of the advert and isn’t plastering the company’s name or logo all over the advert which makes the whole advert seem more professional. In the aqua blue background there are shapes that are slightly lighter in colour that can be assumed as foods. This shows the subtle details of the advert and the effectiveness of the minimalist style. The font used is thick and rounded which isn’t as intense as bold spiky writing. This connotes a laid-back simple tone of the company that most delivery company’s do not have, for example just eat adverts generally have a more forward approach than this advert.

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