Thursday 7 March 2019

Research- takeaway food poster analysis

Takeaway Food poster analysis                                                                                      Hannah Jackson

The style of this advert is simplistic, yet very effective. The advert features a middle-aged working-class man who is in the centre of the page eating a takeaway. The logo is above his head in smaller font than the catch phrase ‘Don’t let Wednesday off the hook’. The logo used is simple with bold red capital letters in an easy to read font. This could connote that the company is easy to understand and is straight to the point which suggests the company’s focus is getting their food to you and not messing around which would attract a lot of people. ‘Find your flavour’ connotes that the company have a large amount of different food choices to choose from which attracts an audience as everyone prefers a variety of choice. The man in the shot is wearing a dull blue flannel shirt and a builder’s hat. However, the colours behind him are vibrant, bright red, green, blue, orange and yellow which makes the man stand out more. This could all be a connotation to show that the food the man is eating brings him joy and happiness as often bright colours connote happiness. The red catchphrases behind the white background make them stand out. ‘The food your really want’ suggests that you should treat yourself which promotes the company as it makes people think of the food, they want instead of need which allows for a bigger profit as Just Eat are promoting that people should be allowed takeaway. The company addresses the audience with words like ‘YOU’ and ‘YOUR’. The use of direct address attracts the audience as the person viewing the advert is being addressed which encourages them to use the company as they are more likely to feel like the company appeals to them. I think the main target audience for this advert is working class individuals between the ages 25-50. I think this because the man in the shot is middle aged and working class however younger ages would also find this advert interesting as the colours and suggested job profession that the man has may also relate to them.

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