Thursday 7 March 2019

Statement of Intent

STATEMENT OF INTENT                                                                                             Hannah Jackson

I will make sure my adverts do not contravene any of the rules set out by ASA. Some of these rules include that all market communications should be legal, decent, honest and truthful, the advert should be obviously identifiable as such, should not cause offence and should not use false claims. I will therefore make sure my advert is truthful and does not promote false ideas about the takeaway company ‘your food’.

I will represent the product and audience in a positive way and use bright vibrant colours to represent the audience and product as young and energetic because vibrant colours are often linked to excitement and energy. I will also hopefully have a humorous way of promoting the product, may that be in the photos I use or the slogan. This represents the product as fun and not serious. This will allow me to create a positive image of takeaway as well as the target audience.

I will construct my advert by having a neat and colourful layout and will carefully consider layout, images, scheme, font and tagline. The audience is the 16-25 demographic so whilst considering this I could include social media tags and other things that appeal to the audience as it relates to them.

I plan to create 4 adverts that would appeal to my target audience. I am planning to use people on my posters that are 16-17 which is within in the target age. I am planning to create one of my adverts that will advertise a ‘Your Food’ app which appeals to the younger generation as they are the people who use the most technology. This will give a sense that the takeaway service is quick and easy to use as well as being on multiple different platforms -phone, social media, app. I am planning my second advert to be more humorous, and showing a boy holding sausage roll that one can assume has been delivered from ‘Your Food’. I’m planning on including a catchy tagline which will promote the company. The third advert I am planning is going to be a picture of a boy holding chicken. The focus of this advert will be the catchphrase ‘Don’t be a chicken, order Your Food’. This is humorous and makes the food company appear cool as being a ‘chicken’ is associated with negative connotations. The last advert may fit in with the third one where I will use a picture of a boy holding a takeaway bag. Although this advert will be simple I think they will all relate to each other because the constant use of bright vibrant colours will add to the theme of a younger target audience.

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Research- 16-25 demographic, regional magazines, value of takeaway food industry

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